
Letter: Spell Check

Just one week after the Herald published my letter about there being no letter “P” in “Binghamton”, I read your “Binghamton University Dean’s List” article—and was so proud to see that you had not only correctly spelled “Binghamton” in the headline, but also two more times in the body of the story.  That’s a perfect 3-3, 100%, A+ !  Imagine my chagrin, however, when I was unexpectedly saddened to notice that immediately after your 3rd consecutive correct spelling of “Binghamton”, you misspelled its HARPUR College of Arts and Sciences as

“HarpEr”—-even though my published letter had clearly stated “…as a 1965 graduate of SUNY-Binghamton (when it was known as HarpUr College)”.

Yes, I was saddened at this disappointing turn of events; but if you publish THIS letter I will be glad you misspelled “HarpUr”.  (By the way, you might be the one-millionth person to have made this same exact error; so there might be some prize in it for you.)

Richard Siegelman