I always read the Letters to the Editor. I was very disappointed in the cartoon that was in the paper. Here is a woman with five kids, looking for a babysitter, so she voted for the school budget. It is in poor taste. Our school is not a babysitting service.
Now I would like to see a cartoon of seniors with luggage and a moving van out their homes, saying that the school budget has been passed we have to sell our homes and move south. Many of our seniors are being choked. Good thing I have a pension and S.S. check or I would have to sell my house. Then where would I go, living with family. I talk to many seniors and they tell me they do not know what to do. If you are making less than $79,000 you can get a form from your tax office to save on your school tax. This starts in July. Ask for the Enhance Star Program. There should be someone in our library to help our seniors with this.
This paper should be one sided.
Grace Bellomo