Big event to held at Cantiague Park
The Hicksville Chamber of Commerce is joining forces with the Greater Long Island Running Club to provide a great summer running and partying experience for local runners on Saturday evening, August 17.
The big event will be held at Cantiague Park in Hicksville, kicking off with a free 1/4 mile “Fun Run” for youngsters age 12 and under at 4:30 p.m., followed by a 5 Mile Run through local neighborhood streets at 5 p.m., and in turn followed by a post-race Barbeque with hamburgers, hot dogs, beer, ice cream and all the trimmings, plus live music courtesy of Outer Leaf.
Special technical shirts will be presented to every 5 Mile Run entrant. Every youngster who finishes the Fun Run will be presented with a special finisher’s medal.
There will be a giant door prize giveaway headed by a 32-inch Flat Screen TV and two $250 Gift Certificates to Dick’s Sporting Goods.
Awards in the 5 Mile Run will be presented to the top male and female overall and masters finishers, and the top three male and female finishers in each of 17 age groups ranging from 10 and under to 85 and over. Awards as well will go to the top Male and top Female Hicksville resident.
Sue Fitzpatrick of the Running Club and Marlo Signoracci of the Hicksville Chamber of Commerce will be in charge of the festivities.
To register, visit or call Sue at the Running Club office at (516) 349-7646 for hard copy entry forms or more information.