
Golf Outing Raises $10,000 For Cancer Patient

More than 150 New Hyde Park Memorial High School alumni, friends and family attended the 23rd Annual Gladiator Golf Classic and raise $10,000 for Neil Duggan, father of two kids, in his fight with cancer. Duggan’s ex-football coaches, 

Angelo Giugliano and John Calo were in attendance to honor Duggan.


“New Hyde Park is like a family and when some one needs help, we all come together to help,” Giugliano said.


Classes from 1962 through 1994 were in attendance as well as the football team of 1976, who Duggan played for.


“It was a great day of golf and a great celebration back at The Inn at New Hyde Park,” Dan Connor, chairman of the Gladiator Fund said. Also in attendance was the New Hyde Park Village Mayor Robert Lofaro and Legislator Rich Nicolello.