Village of Farmingdale Mayor Ralph Ekstrand Answers Residents’ Most Frequent Questions
Q: Who does what in Farmingdale Government, and where do I go for various services?
A: Village Hall at 361 Main St. is open Monday though Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. We have a full time Village Administrator Brian Harty, and a friendly staff to answer your and questions and help solve your problems. Also at Village Hall is our Building Department Traffic Court. The Village phone number is 516 249 0093. Our Water Department and Department of Public Works is located away from the downtown area and can be reached by calling Village Hall. Our Fire and Rescue phone number is 516 249 0070 (24/7) Our fire dispatchers can be called for water main breaks and Village emergencies at 516 531 9820 (24/7).