
Sports Briefs

LWLL Baseball Winter Camp

The Levittown West Little League’s winter baseball camps will be held on Jan. 5, 12, 19 and Feb. 2. Sessions for kids ages 8-10 will run from 9 – 10:30 a.m. Sessions for kids ages 11-14 will run from 11-12:30 p.m.

Winter camps cost $40 per session or $130 for all four dates. Registration forms are available online at Levittownwestlittleleague.com.


Senior High Scorers From South Levittown Lanes

Monday Seniors Top Scorers: Michael Sala 225,615, Richie Coyer 215, Bob Haskin 212, Jack Mateer 212, Sal White 202, Richard Mennona 199.


Wednesday Swingtime Seniors Top Scorers: Cappy Caporusso 226,605, George Kinkel 198, John Barrett 194, George Nauss 187, Bob Archer 182, Jim Bresnahan 181, Bob Mielinis 181, Linda Kelly 203, Barbara Gaffney 199.


Wednesday Young at Heart Seniors Top Scorers: Pete Thomasefsky 245,235,671, Richie Coyer 225,215,632, Gene Gould 220,201,604, Bob Haskin 213, Charlie Stumpf 203, Bob Sandkuhl 195, Joe Cagna 189, John Ray 189, Marguerite Burt 170.


— Submitted by the South Levittown Lanes