The Hicksville Public Library’s budget for 2014-15 includes a 4.04% increase, and while this does pierce the NYS property tax cap, Hicksville residents will only see an average increase of $12.87 per household. With the 2014-15 budget, the average homeowner will pay approximately $257.01 a year in library tax.
The library is looking to get $4.3 million of their $5.2 million budget from real estate taxes (the rest comes from fines and fees, PILOTS, the appropriated fund balance, and other revenues). The most significant line item increase in the library’s budget was for capital improvements, which went from $30,000 in the 2013-14 budget to $320,000 in the 2014-15 proposed budget. Library director Elizabeth Goldfrank attributes this huge change to some much needed repairs in the building.
“The heating and cooling unit is quite old and the board is looking to replace it. But it’s a lengthy process so we want to keep capital funds in reserve,” said Goldfrank.
The library board is also anticipating making some interior aesthetic changes as well as having to replace the elevator in the future.
In 2012-13, there were 22,718 registered borrowers, and 23,126 patrons who used the computer and internet. Goldfrank says the library is always looking to keep up with the latest technology and to offer new programs for community members.
“We want to continue to look for new program offerings and bring back some of our popular program presenters,” said Goldfrank. “The library isn’t just a repository of books, but it’s a place the community can come for relaxation and to learn something new. We want people to know this is a vibrant part of the community.”
The budget vote is May 20 during the school budget votes. Library trustee Harry Loomis is running unopposed.