
Pat Aiken For Board Of Ed

Fellow Manhasset Residents,

I am writing to endorse the candidacy of incumbent Pat Aitken for the Manhasset Board of Education, and to encourage you to vote for her in next week’s election. I have known Pat and her family since they moved into town almost twenty years ago, and had had the privilege of working with her directly for two years on the Manhasset Athletic Advisory Committee (“MAAC”) when she was our BoE Liaison.

She is one of the most principled people I know. She has helped expand the Board’s communication and transparency with the Manhasset community since her first term, and continues to push for improvement. She cares passionately about our kids, and has an exceptional grasp of the breadth and depth of the district’s programs and curricula, K to 12. She has been a supporter of ALL extracurricular programs. That being said, with her background in Finance/Banking, Credit/Risk, and Restructuring/Workout, she understands better than most, the limited financial resources with which the district has to operate.

She is a tireless (I mean that!) volunteer, with a demonstrated commitment to community service. She has served the Manhasset Community for over ten years, on several of the Citizens’ Advisory Committees (Member or Board Liaison) and on the Board of Education. She holds senior positions in Alumni organizations at her alma mater (Colgate University) and on the Parish Council of her Church. (and I’ve labored alongside she and her husband on MHS senior frolic projects)

We need both Pat’s Board of Ed and business experience to help the district successfully get through the challenging times we currently face. Pat Aitken is the more qualified of the two candidates, and is the person Manhasset needs now. She deserves your vote next week.


Bruce Miller

Manhasset Board of Education ’87 t0 ‘90

MHS Class of 1975

MHS Parent – ’06, ’08, ‘13