Spring Concert
May 21
Memorial Day Parade
May 26
Spring Concert
May 28
May 21
Spring Concert
Hicksville High School will hold their second spring concert at 7:30 p.m. in the auditorium.
May 26
Memorial Day Parade
The United Veterans of Hicksville will once again hold a Memorial Day parade and ceremonies. This year’s parade is being hosted by the Hicksville Veterans of Foreign Wars, William M. Gouse Jr. Post 3211 under the direction of Commander William Walden. The parade will begin at 9 a.m. in the Sears parking lot and head south along Broadway to Old Country Road until it reaches Jerusalem Avenue. It will then turn south and end with a ceremony at Hicksville Middle School, at approximately 10:30 a.m. For more information call the Hicksville VFW Post at 516-931-7843.
May 28
Spring Concert
Hicksville High School holds their third spring concert at 7:30 p.m.in the auditorium.
May 30
Lecture: Quantum Magic
Bill Truglio, Tarot artist, Psychic and Tarot/Rune Reader will explore quantum physics and how it’s beginning to scientifically explain spirituality, mysticism and what is often called magic. $15. At Levittown Hall, 201 Levittown Parkway at 8 p.m. For more information call 516-731-0909.
June 2
Verbal Support Group
Central Nassau Guidance and Counseling Services will hold a family/parent verbal support group meeting at 950 S. Oyster Bay Rd. Suite 102 at 7 p.m. Medicaid billable for agency clients, $5 for family/all others. For more information call 516-822-6111 or visit www.centralnassau.org
PTA Meeting
There Hicksville PTA Council will meet at Fork Lane at 8 p.m.