
Long-Term Facilities Planning

manAs a result of the work done by the Long Term Facilities Planning Committee this spring, the BOE, the administration and the community have detailed information online regarding potential capital projects identified by the committee as being worthwhile long term investments in our district facilities to ensure continued educational excellence for Manhasset’s students.

The LTFPC, a committee of 15 Manhasset community members with diverse interests and perspectives, met for eight meetings over three months and conducted a thorough review of all of the district’s facilities with material input from the district’s architect. This culminated on June 19th with the presentation of the LTFPC’s preliminary report to the Board and the community.

The Board of Education held a public workshop in the secondary school board room on July 9th to begin discussing the LTFPC’s preliminary report and to consider these critical questions:

• Will the district go forward with a bond referendum in 2014-2015?

• If so, when: in early December or in May on the day of the budget vote?

• If so, what projects would be included in the bond referendum?

• If so, what would be the dollar amount of the bond referendum?

Using the LTFPC’s report as the outline for the district’s needs, the board began to examine and discuss the following:

• The district’s ability to address needs created by enrollment growth K-12 and enrollment levels that are anticipated to stabilize at higher than historical levels.

• The positive impact of potential capital projects on the quality of Manhasset students’ education K-12 especially in Science, Music and Art.

• The potential scope and size of a referendum.

• The timing of a potential referendum.

• The possible staging of a potential referendum.

• The affect of both retiring debt and new potential debt on the projected tax levy.

• Maximizing NY State reimbursement for potential projects.

• Incremental cost to taxpayers of new debt.

• Manhasset’s previous capital projects and bonds and recurring budgeted investments in facilities.

• Necessary investment for continued educational excellence for future generations of students.

• Other districts’ recent choices regarding bond referenda.

The Board will devote its initial meetings this Fall to continue its consideration of these critical items with the community. We encourage every member of the community to join us and contribute to these deliberations; we welcome your input. Email the board at any time: boe@manhasset.k12.ny.us.

Board meetings are currently scheduled as follows:

• Thursday, Sept. 4, 8 p.m. Secondary School Board Room

• Thursday, Sept. 18, 8 p.m. Secondary School Board Room

• Thursday, Oct. 2, 8 p.m. EOC, 65 High St.

• Thursday, Oct. 9, 8 p.m. Secondary School Board Room

Links to facilities reports and other pertinent information:

The LTFPC’s facilities evaluation: http://www.manhasset.k12.ny.us/files/filesystem/Facilities%20Evaluation%20Document.pdf

The LTFPC’s June 19 presentation, “The Process for Potential Capital Project Identification and Prioritization”: http://www.manhasset.k12.ny.us/files/filesystem/Process%20for%20Potential%20Capital%20Project%20Identification%20and%20Prioritization.pdf

Overview of Capital Projects 2006-2013: http://www.manhasset.k12.ny.us/files/filesystem/Overview%20of%20Capital%20Projects%202006-2013%20.pdf

The District’s most recent enrollment projections: http://www.manhasset.k12.ny.us/files/filesystem/K%20%2012%20Enrollment%20Projections%20through%202019-20.pdf

— Manhasset Public School District