While perusing the new fare that is being offered in entertainment, I was prompted to reflect on morals. Where have they gone? I seem to recall growing up in the 1950s with a solid sense of right from wrong.
Being of a seasoned age, I shouldn’t overreact to what is being hailed as a “must see” flick or limited television series. Shocked, hardly, disgusted and disappointed, most definitely.
There was a time when major networks suggested that “adult themed” programs were being viewed after 9 p.m. Not anymore. Flashbacks to days when family television culminated in a life lesson to embrace, most certainly has gone by the wayside. To glorify nudity and pervasive language in today’s society is considered the “norm,” culture and refinement, a quality of the past. It is difficult not be offended and assaulted while four letter words are being bellowed from ones den.
I don’t want to “get with the times” if that means compromising my values and throwing my solid upbringing to the curb. I plan on hanging tightly to my memories when creed and standards were something to be proud of.
— Diane Sciacchitano