
Jericho Temple Honors Kristallnacht


Seventy-six years ago, on Nov. 9 thorugh 10, Nazi-controlled Germany launched an all-out attack against its Jewish population, sparked by the murder of a German diplomat in Paris by a Jewish teenager enraged over the treatment of his parents in Poland. Throughout Germany and Austria, the night was marked by the burning of synagogues, destruction of Jewish owned or occupied buildings, stores and offices, the beating and persecution of Jews and the murder of scores of Jewish men and women. The incident generated worldwide revulsion and condemnation and history recorded the barbaric incident as “Kristallnacht”—”The Night of Broken Glass.” 51A0FXSATXL._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_[1]

In solemn memory of the incident, which many historians mark as, effectively, the “start” of the Holocaust, Temple Or Elohim is conducting a service on Nov. 9 at 7 p.m. and featuring a guest speaker, Aharon Golub, who lived in Nazi Germany during Kristallnacht and fled the country before the Nazis could imprison him.

Golub, author of a book about his experiences—Kaddishel-A Life Reborn—will address the congregation and discuss how he maintained his humanity and sensitivity to his fellow man during his eventful and difficult life. Golub grew up in the small eastern Polish village of Ludwipol, which was destroyed by Ukrainian nationalists. An ardent Zionist, he emigrated to Palestine after the war and was there when the nation of Israel was created and recognized. .

The service will include a candle lighting ceremony to remember the dead and to say prayers for the victims of Kristallnacht.

The event is open to the community. The temple is located at 18 Tobie Lane in East Birchwood. Further information is available from the temple at 516-433-9888 ext. 14 or office@templeorelohim.com.