
Grant For North Shore

Andrew Malekoff and Dr. Nellie Taylor-Walthrust
Andrew Malekoff and Dr. Nellie Taylor-Walthrust

The Dammann Fund, Inc. has awarded North Shore Child and Family Guidance Center with a grant of $10,000 to support its Good Beginnings for Babies (GBB) program, a service that operates out of the Guidance Center’s Leeds Place in Westbury and offers support for pregnant and parenting teens.

“GBB promotes the healthy development of children by ensuring access to prenatal care and promoting preventive care for parents and their children,”said Andrew Malekoff, Guidance Center CEO. “We aim to help the moms reach full-term pregnancies, deliver healthy birth weight babies and build strong attachments with their newborns. Good attachments are the cornerstone of healthy emotional development.”

“In GBB we work with families to develop and promote a community of support,” added Dr. Nellie Taylor-Walthrust, GBB program director. “The goal is to reduce isolation of young parents in the early years of their child’s development and increase the community’s sense of responsibility for young families, by building a community of young parents who support one other. We also carefully screen for maternal depression and other perinatal mood disorders and provide treatment or referrals for mental health care, as indicated.”

To learn more about the Guidance Center, visit www.northshorechildguidance.org or call 516-626-1971.