
Massapequa BOE Meeting March 9

During the Board of Education meeting of March 9, Superintendent Lucille F. Iconis announced three administrative retirements: Mrs. Diane Sales, Assistant Principal for McKenna Elementary, Ms. Barbara Mims, Curriculum Associate for Art and Mr. Bryan Dowd, Curriculum Associate for Social Studies. Best of luck and enjoy your retirement.

Board President, Jane Ryan, Iconis, Mr. Adcock and PTA President Susan Altamura attended a Legislative Brunch where concerns about the NYS proposed educational reforms Governor Cuomo unveiled during his State of the State address in January were shared.  There is a scheduled meeting with Senator Venditto to discuss how these proposed reforms will impact the Massapequa School district this month.

Adcock presented the proposed 2015-16 Instructional budget by stating that the district has had long range financial planning in place for the past 15 years, funding reserve accounts has strengthened the district’s financial position and provided adequate cash flow to avoid incurring interests costs. The district is in good standing on NYS Comptrollers Fiscal Stress Monitoring Report (on Long Island there are 19 districts in fiscal distress), and an excellent Moody Investment Rating that garners the best rates on borrowing.

Allocation Of Resources:  80.5 percent Student Programs, 12 percent Facilities/Capital Improvements and 7.5 percent Administration.

2013/2014 per pupil spending: Nassau Average – $27,436 per pupil; Massapequa – $23,756 per pupil.

Enrollment Projection: Currently (2014-15): 7,240 students; estimate for 2015-16: 7,126 students and an estimate for 2016-17: 6,990 students.

Overall, there will be a 0 percent increase in the 2015-16 budget, yet all services and instructional programs will operate including enhancements in technology and security.

*There will be more information regarding the district’s discussion on the opt-out policy for state testing added to this report later today.