
Remember to Vote


We have a lot to be proud of in Manhasset and our schools top the list. We should not overlook that fact, be part of the process and vote.
The seventh through twelfth graders have been striving for excellence all year. It is an ongoing process of education that makes our Secondary School exemplary. The team of administration, teachers, staff and guidance counselors all contribute to the success of the district. The opportunities for all students to make their mark and to fine tune their strengths both in and out of the classroom are apparent in all areas of the curriculum.
The academic course-load for our students is rigorous in all grades. There are opportunities for all students to reach their goals. From Advanced Placement options to intense Science Research classes, the students are able to find their niche. At all levels, our classrooms are full of students wanting to achieve.
In addition to all the academics, a significant number of our children participate in interscholastic athletics, the arts, and before and after school activities. Each one of these areas contributes to defining our children and allows them to participate as unique individuals based on their interests.
We are appreciative of the supervision and support from our principals, teachers, guidance counselors and every support and custodial staff member. We are thankful for the solid foundation that you have given all of our children. We are so proud of them.
Please remember to bote on Tuesday, May 19.

Caroline R. Kenlon, SCA HS President Kim Haggerty SCA MS President
Margie Suga, SCA HS Vice President Lauren Barrett SCA MS Vice President

Grade Level Chairs
Semira Geiger, Ruth Geismar, 12th
Mimi Donohue, Lisa Ferraro, 11th
Maureen Lavin, Vivan Thatos, 10th
Mary Bellucci, Bianca DeGaudenzi, 9th
Marilena Katopodis, Cathy McAree, Kristin Perfetto, Megan Trotta, 8th
MaryBeth Accurso, Lori Kearns, Jen LoPinto, Rachel Titus, 7th