
New Tenant Award To GLM Design & Build

GLM Design & Build, a construction company specializing in building custom commercial and residential spaces, was awarded a new tenant bonus of $3,000 from the Greater Port Washington Business Improvement District’s (BID) New Tenant Bonus Program this month. GLM Design & Build is located at 73-75 Manorhaven Blvd. “This money will be used help pay my insurance and lease payments,” said Glenroy Bramble, owner of GLM Design & Build. “It will really come in handy because insurance and workman’s compensation is very expensive.”

Glenroy Bramble, Owner of GLM Design & Build and Mariann Dalimonte, executive director of the Greater Port Washington Business Improvement District (BID)
Glenroy Bramble, Owner of GLM Design & Build and Mariann Dalimonte, executive director of the Greater Port Washington Business Improvement District (BID)

Bramble started his business in September 2014. “I live in Hempstead but I always liked Port Washington. I’m from Trinidad originally and grew up near the water so it reminds me of home.” GLM Design & Build designs “interiors, makes custom carpentry, moldings and cabinets,” said Bramble. “I’ve been doing this for 22 years.” He currently has two employees.

Bramble was thrilled to get the bonus from BID. “It was fantastic,” said Bramble. “My bookkeeper told me about the grant, and it made me very happy, It really helped with the bills. I have good contracts but sometimes don’t get paid until end of job, so it’s tough.”

Mariann Dalimonte, executive director of BID, said, “The purpose of the New Tenant Bonus Program is to allow our organization to help start a business within the BID District. We are excited that Mr. Bramble has chosen Port Washington for the home of GLM Design & Build and we wish them much success.” To find out more about the Greater Port Washington Business Improvement District’s new tenant bonus program, go to www.portwashingtonbid.org. For more information about GLM Design & Build, go to www.glmdesignbuild.com.