
Live Radio Drama

Production of The Thin Man, April 2014
Production of The Thin Man, April 2014

In proud partnership with WCWP 88.1 FM, the community public radio station of LIU Post, Port Washington Play Troupe produces vintage radio dramas with songs from the era. The next performance will be H.G. Wells’ The War of the Worlds on Thursday, Oct. 29, at Hillwood Recital Hall, a venue of the Tilles Centeron campus at LIU Post, using the original 1938 Mercury Theatre script.

In the famous science fiction novel, martians invade Earth and terrify the populace. The story was told most infamously on the air by Orson Welles in 1938, initially leading listeners to believe the events of the story were real.

The performance, directed by Kate Beckman, will broadcast live on WCWP 88.1 FM and later be available online at www.wcwp.org. Previous productions include Meet Me In St. Louis, All About Eve and The African Queen.

Port Washington Play Troupe is New York State’s oldest chartered amateur theater company, dedicated to creating outstanding work in a positive, community-minded atmosphere for every generation in Port Washington.

To be part of the live audience, see www.wcwp.org. For more information about Port Washington Play Troupe, visit www.portwashingtonplaytroupe.com or email portwashingtonplaytroupe@gmail.com.