If you were a member of Troop 776 we would like to hear from you. Send a note to Andy Cardno at smtroop776mass@yahoo.com telling what the Troop means to you, your recollections of a special camping trip or service project or words of wisdom for the boys now wearing the red and white neckerchiefs and 776 on their sleeves.
Photos or other Troop memorabilia (old Troop newsletters, a favorite skit or camp recipe, Eagle Court of Honor programs, etc.) would also be welcomed. We’d like to recreate and honor our Troop’s history at the Green and White Court of Honor in March. In order to do so, it would be greatly appreciated if you could send your submissions by Feb. 12, and pass this note along to other former 776’ers including Scouts, leaders and committee members.
—Submitted by YIS, Andy Cardno, Scoutmaster