
Daly School Launches Weekly Newscast

Daly Elementary School in Port Washington recently launched a weekly newscast on its website that that is turning young students into star reporters and keeping everyone informed of what’s happening at the school.

Every week a group of Daly News cub reporters, representing a different Daly class, collaborate to present a series of news features, covering every grade level at the school. Daly News reporters visit the classrooms to interview the teachers about what is going on, reporting on a wide range of topics, including programs, projects, and events, as well as providing features on different faculty and staff members.

Daly News reporters then write, edit and later read their segments in front of the camera, similar to how a news anchor delivers the news that is broadcast into homes. Included are updates on upcoming class field trips and various HSA activities. Using the cloud-based video editor, Animoto, Library Media Specialist Kim Pinto edits the segments and pieces them together for a weekly newscast, which is posted every Friday on the Daly School website.                                   Daly1

During a recent newscast, students Jacob and Bryan in Nicholas Stavrinos’ fifth-grade class gave a report on their interview with Daly Principal Sheri Suzzan, covering her history as a teacher in the district and her daily activities and involvement with classes and Daly HSA.

“Ms. Suzzan also told us she is working with the HSA on MakerSpace boxes for students to create STEM activities,” said Jacob, who along with Bryan, provided some fun facts about their principal, including that she “tweets daily about Daly.”

“The students love it and it is really a nice way for them to interact with the other classes, learn more about their school and sharpen their written and verbal communication skills,” said Suzzan. “Parents also get a little more insight into the curriculum and they to get to know our staff a little better. We have received a lot of positive feedback; they enjoy seeing their children in action and learning about the many great things that happen here at Daly School.”

To check out the Daly News, visit the Daly School page on www.portnet.org.

Photo caption: Nicholas Stavrinos’ fifth-grade class at Daly School recently gave a report on happenings in the building during one of the school’s weekly Daly News webcasts. The reporters are introduced here Principal Sheri Suzzan.

 Photo provided by the Port Washington UFSD