
Mineola American Wants To Hear From You

Mineola American will host a debate between trustee candidates and mayoral candidates on Monday, March 12 in the auditorium of Mineola Middle School, 200 Emory Rd., from 7 to 9:30 p.m. The public is encouraged to attend.

The trustee candidates are Trustee George Durham, Trustee Dennis Walsh, Regis Gallet and Cristi Gallet. The mayoral candidates are Mayor Scott Strauss and Former Mayor and Trustee Larry Werther.

If there are specific questions you’d like the candidates to answer, email them to editor Anthony Murray at amurray@antonmediagroup.com or leave a comment on our Facebook page with your question.

The election will take place at Village Hall from 6 a.m. to 9 p.m. on Tuesday, March 20.