Many of you may know that March 20, 2018 is our village elections here in Mineola. This is a very interesting time on Long Island and New York State. You can look in any local paper, watch any local TV news show or search online and find that many of the municipalities in New York State are in a fiscal crisis. Nassau County’s finances are in such disarray that most of its fiscal decisions need to be approved by NIFA, a state oversight board. Suffolk County has a projected budget deficit and has had its bond rating downgraded within the last year. Many of the villages on Long Island have made plans to exceed the New York State tax cap and the state of New York is projecting a four to six billion dollar budget deficit.
Why do I mention all of this? Because I want you all to realize how fiscally sound our village is. Under the leadership of Mayor Scott Strauss and the current board of trustees, our village has flourished while many municipalities have struggled. They have held the line on taxes with no increases the past two years all while decreasing our long term debt and keeping our services at the standard we have grown to expect here in Mineola. They have overseen millions of dollars in physical improvements to our village, the revitalization of Memorial Park including the new amphitheater, the new Emory Road Park, improvements at Wilson Park and new equipment for the fire department. Many of us don’t even notice or realize that all of this is being done without raising our taxes or cutting other essential services provided by the village.
That is why on Tuesday, March 20, I am voting to reelect Mayor Strauss and trustees George Durham and Dennis Walsh. All three were raised in Mineola, have chosen to make Mineola their home to raise their families and want to make it a better place for their children. If you are happy living here in Mineola and want it to remain—in my opinion—the best place to live on Long island, I urge you to join me in reelecting Scott Strauss, George Durham and Dennis Walsh.
—Frank S. Pizzardi Jr.