
North Hempstead Ladies Golf Begins

The women golfers of North Hempstead Country Club welcomed the recent start of the 2018 golf season. Undeterred by a half hour frost delay, 45 women ventured out on the course to play a 9-hole scramble. Patty Millo, president of the Women’s Golf Association, welcomed several new members and presided over the Opening Day meeting. First Vice President Yvette Wright reviewed the season’s tournament offerings and the winners of the Opening Day Scramble:

Low Gross:

Front 9: Mary Breen-Trish D’Agostino, Jennifer Dussich-Nina Kiess
Back 9: Patrice Picone-Kristen Ryan, Christina Whitaker-Yvette Wright

Low Net:

Front 9: Lori Fleishhacker-Toni Malafronte; Peggy Markham-Helen Paxton
Back 9: Gloria Grafer-Grace Mahler; Cathleen McCarthy-Lisa Stefan

2nd Low Net:

Front 9: Anne Marie Ardito-Dawn Epp; Paula Paterno-Cathi Rosso
Back 9: Sheila Dunphy-Nina Gadaleta; Lillian McCarroll-Jackie O’Connor

Closest to the Pin (18 Holers):

Front 9: Lori Fleishhacker Back 9: Lisa Stefan
Nearest to the Line (9 Holers):Bernadette Doherty, Patrice Picone

Longest Drives:

Mary Breen (Class A; Front) Caty Corso (Class B; Front)
Grace Mahler (Class B; Back) Lisa Stefan (Class C; Back)
Dawn Epp (9 Holer; Front) Nina Gadaleta (9 Holer; Back)