
Temple Or Elohim Creates A Wax Museum

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             (Photo by Temple Or Elohim)

Purim is the holiday that commemorates the saving of the Jewish people from the evil Haman. The hero of this story is Esther and her Uncle Mordechai. Jews throughout the world celebrate this holiday with spiels, Megillah readings, parties, carnivals and yes, even a “wax museum.”

Deborah Tract, Director of Education says there are many Jewish heroes, what better time is there to have kids study, research and prepare their own presentation on their personal hero. On March 17, fifth-graders filled the lobby of TOE for a delightful, fun and engaging Wax Museum. Some of the kids’ picks were, Anne Frank, Jamie Lynn Sigler, a Jericho native, known for her role in The Sopranos. IMG 3209 e1553795239536

However, more importantly, she is a beloved hero to her nephew, Wesley, who proudly represented his aunt!  Sport athletes were a hit. Shawn Green, Bob Nystrom, Sandy Koufax and Yael Averbuch are just some of the great names who popped up as a wax figure. Movie Stars, Albert Einstein and the great Harry Houdini.

The list was endless, the kids were phenomenal, and enjoyed the learning of famous Jews who have made a difference. Fun hands-on learning is what Deborah Tract says engages children of all ages. Kids like to use their imagination and intertwine their thoughts with the use of technology. TOE’s students each had a vision of who was interesting to them, to further learn about. The teachers are awesome motivators when it comes to infusing excitement into our children’s learning, says Deborah Tract.

IMG 3204 e1553795202216Following the journey down memory lane, the 2019 carnival was a hit. Games, prizes, bounce House, food and quality time with the infamous magician Jeff Miller. Tricks, spontaneity and curiosity evoked excitement throughout the fun-filled room.

At Temple Or Elohim, there is always an event, program and class-something for everyone. But how do we accomplish so much in our busy day-to-day happenings?  The leadership, and congregants always pitch into support one another. This year’s carnival was chaired by Laurel Fried, vice president of TOE, and her dedicated committee. All worked tiredly to make this a memorable event for all.

-Submitted by Temple Or Elohim