
Village Of Sands Point Appoints Jeffrey Moslow As New Trustee

SandsPointTrustee AGOOD
Jeffrey Moslow

The Incorporated Village of Sands Point appointed Jeffrey M. Moslow to the board of trustees in August of this year. Moslow occupied the seat of Marc Silbert, who died in June.
Moslow served as deputy chairman on the Board of Zoning Appeals, working closely with residents and general environmental issues. The Board of Zoning Appeals holds five seats for the Village of Sands Point, which are three-year terms appointed by the mayor.

“It was a great background as a number of trustees have come from the BZA previously,” Moslow said.

His involvement in nonprofits, specifically within the educational sector, are experiences that he believes have prepared him for the position as trustee.
Moslow also serves on the executive committee of the board of trustees for the Boys’ Club of New York.

Moslow said he is, “fortunate that the Village of Sands Point is run very well by the administration,” and the village has, “exceptionally strong oversight at the trustee level.”

He would like to continue on this path for his future trustee endeavors. Moslow has a tremendous amount of respect for mayor, Edward A.K. Adler, and looks forward to working closely with him and the rest of the board.

Liz Gaynor, the village clerk, said she just started working with Moslow and looks forward to working together on various tasks on the board of trustees level.

Moslow earned his bachelor of arts degree from Tufts University and continued his education obtaining a J.D. from Harvard Law School. Moslow is a former senior partner at Goldman & Sachs. He also has served on the arts and sciences board of advisors at Tufts University.

Moslow grew up in Port Washington and resides in the Village of Sands Point with his wife Linda Moslow and their three sons.

The board of trustees at the Village of Sands Point focuses on providing health, safety and general welfare for all Sands Point residents. The board enacts local laws, approve appointments and deal with municipal issues. Solutions concur by voting from board members. All board meetings are open to the public and held in village hall.
As a trustee, Moslow would like to “continue the strong tradition of the village,” and, “hopefully improve the special community of Sands Point.”