“Save our town and knock it down!”
Those were the chants heard when, after standing vacant for nearly a decade, the house at 62 Alhambra Road in Massapequa was finally torn down on Aug. 28 by the Town of Oyster Bay’s Quality of Life Task Force.
Residents came to watch the demolition, which the town granted following years of neglect and complaints from neighbors.
They were joined by Oyster Bay Town Supervisor Joseph Saladino, Receiver of Taxes Jeffrey Pravato, and the Town’s Highway and Buildings crew.
“Today we bring great news to the residents of this beautiful neighborhood, who have been plagued with this blight for far too long,” Saladino said. “After years of complaints, notices of violation and lack of maintenance, this eyesore will soon be gone.”
The property had citations for multiple code violations and was considered to be in “deplorable condition” by the town.
“Inspectors repeatedly found various signs of neglect,” Saladino said, “from severely damaged or even missing walls, to destroyed and collapsed ceilings.”
Violations also included overgrown vegetation, debris strewn throughout both indoors and outside,and overall deterioration.
“It’s a zombie home; it’s not safe, and it adversely affects the quality of life of the residents who live here,” Saladino continued.
Less than two years agp, another home was demolished only a few doors down from number 62.
“We’ve now successfully demolished nearly three dozen structures since [the Taskforce’s] inception,” the supervisor said.
In zombie home cases, the Quality of Life Taskforce seeks court action to approve partial or total demolition while also working to keep the property safe for the surrounding neighborhood.
Saladino touted the diligence of the town team, which has successfully removed many dilapidated properties.
“Our residents care deeply about their neighborhoods,” he said. “They shouldn’t have to face a blight like this day after day.”
The Town Code Enforcement Bureau of the Department of Planning and Development is charged with enforcing all codes, rules, and regulations pertaining to zoning, housing, and public safety. It is expressly designed to handle citizen requests regarding possible violations. To file a complaint or register a zombie property in your neighborhood, please visit www.oysterbaytown.com/codeenforcement.