
Village Board Notes – July 24, 2009

The following are trustee reports from the July 14 Floral Park Board of Trustees meeting.


Department of Public Works News


Trustee Tom Tweedy asked residents and business owners to maximize their efforts in recycling paper and cardboard. Recently, the price the village receives for recycled paper and cardboard tripled.

Newspaper and cardboard should be tied and placed next to your blue box. Paper recycling includes shiny inserts, white paper, regular mail, cardboard, including cereal boxes with waxed insert bag removed, shoe boxes, corrugated cartons, telephone books, magazines and paper grocery bags, soft and hard covered books, shredded paper in a paper bag, corrugated carton or clear plastic bag. Empty corrugated cartons must be flat and tied. Not acceptable are plastic coated paper, carbon paper, blueprints, window envelopes, adhesive-backed notepaper or pizza boxes. If you have questions regarding any recycling issues, call the Department of Public Works at 326-6320.

The village concrete contractor is completing repairs of sidewalks and curbs on Locust Street that have been marked for violation. The next streets that will be repaired are Miller Avenue and Vanderwater Avenue.

Recreation Department Happenings

Although unable to attend the meeting, Trustee Mary-Grace Tomecki submitted a report informing residents that in December 2007, the Virginia Graeme Baker Pool and Spa Safety Act was signed into federal law, requiring public pools and spas to undergo certain safety improvements that prevent swimmers from becoming entrapped under water by a pool drain. More specifically, the act mandates that every public pool and spa replace existing grates and covers on their main drains with ones that satisfy a new federal safety standard referred to as ASME/ANSI A112.19.8-2007. This new standard in grates and covers makes it more difficult for the human body, including hair and limbs, as well as jewelry to become entrapped by the force of suction generated by a pool drain. Under the auspices of Pool Director Tom Dillon, Trustee Tomecki was pleased to report that the main pool, along with the children’s wading pool, were brought into compliance with the act before opening day of this year and well in advance of the deadline for compliance established by the act. Two custom manufactured stainless steel drain frames and grates were installed in the main pool. In addition, two new stainless steel frames and grates were installed in the children’s pool, along with a specially designed Safety Vacuum Release System, which serves as a second anti-entrapment device in smaller public pool areas where drains are less than 3 feet apart.

In other pool news, Trustee Tomecki welcomed John Callinan, the newest assistant pool director, to the family of seasonal staff at the Floral Park Recreation Center. He is replacing Kevin Comiskey, who, after two years of service, has moved on to pursue new professional opportunities. Trustee Tomecki thanked Kevin for sharing his talents with the Floral Park Pool.

Trustee Tomecki also extended her gratitude and best wishes to Gerry Dunbar who recently retired after more than 20 years of service to the Recreation Center. “His commitment will be appreciated for generations to come,” she said.

On Friday, July 10, along with more than 150 residents, their family members and friends, Trustee Tomecki had the opportunity to attend the highly anticipated annual Pool Director’s Dance at the Floral Park Pool.

“Our beautiful pool, dance music and evening summer sky provided a fun and relaxing backdrop to the picnic baskets, coolers and pizza deliveries that have come to inspire the camaraderie and conversation that characterize the dance year after year,” Trustee Tomecki said. “Special thanks to Recreation Director Kurt Meyfohrt and Pool Director Tom Dillon for helping to make this event pleasurable and memorable for all who participated.”


North End Update


Trustee Tomecki reported that unsightly weeds have once again begun to grow within the medians of Jericho Turnpike, a reflection of the warmer weather and heavy rains of recent weeks. Jericho Turnpike is a New York State road and, consequently, its maintenance and upkeep is the responsibility of the New York State Department of Transportation (DOT). In response to the problem, Trustee Tomecki has been in contact with Assemblyman Tom McKevitt, whose staff has been “aggressively” reaching out to representatives at the DOT in an effort to address the problem.


Covert Avenue Chamber of Commerce News


Trustee Dom Longobardi reported Monsignor Charles Nosser, together with the village board and the Covert Avenue and Floral Park chambers of commerce, welcomed the new business establishment, LaBottega, to the Covert Avenue business family. LaBottega specializes in all kinds of panini sandwiches.

The Covert Avenue Chamber of Commerce is actively planning its annual street fair, which will be held Saturday, Sept. 26 (rain date Sunday, Sept. 27). This year will be different compared to previous years in that the chamber members and officers are running the events without outside assistance. This will give more exposure to those business establishments with roots in the community. In addition to businesses on Covert Avenue, local businesses throughout Floral Park have been invited to participate. Planned activities for the day include rides and games for children, the Stewart Manor and Floral Park fire department events, bands, antique vehicles, the Town of Hempstead Animal Shelter and a petting zoo.


Floral Park Library News


Trustee Longobardi also reported that the Floral Park Public Library is busy with many summer activities. The children and adult programs have been well attended and registration for future programs is filling up fast. Issues with the HVAC system have been resolved with the help of Deputy Mayor Tom Tweedy, Superintendent of Public Works Ken Tymecki and his staff. Trustee Longobardi thanked them on behalf of the library board, staff and patrons.

On motion by Trustee Jim Rhatigan, seconded by Trustee Tweedy and carried unanimously, Mayor Kevin Greene recessed the meeting at 8:55 p.m.