
TOB Summer Recreation Program Registration

Registration for the Town of Oyster Bay Summer Recreation Program is currently under way by mail.

“Now entering its 47th year, the Town of Oyster Bay Summer Recreation Program offers an exciting and affordable summer option,” according to Town Councilman Joseph Pinto. “Children between the ages of 4 and 12 are eligible to join this age-grouped program, which provides a safe, clean and stimulating atmosphere where they can enjoy themselves. Children are grouped into early childhood, 4-6; juniors, 7-8; intermediates, 9-10 and seniors, 11-12. Depending upon the children’s ages, the program offers trips, tournaments, shows and athletic events, including the 34th Annual Tobay Games.”

“Families with children who participated in last year’s summer recreation program will receive a registration packet for this year’s program,” Pinto continued. “For all others, just call the recreation division of the town’s department of parks at (516) 797-4125 and you will be sent a registration packet.”

Councilman Pinto noted that the fee for the program is $175 for one child, $225 for two children, and $50 for each additional child within a family of more than two. The registration deadline is June 15.

The Summer Recreation Program will be held at Marjorie R. Post (Massapequa), Plainview-Old Bethpage and Syosset-Woodbury Community Parks, Ellsworth W. Allen Town Park in Farmingdale, Theodore Roosevelt Memorial Park and Beach in Oyster Bay, and Tappen Beach in Glenwood Landing.

The program begins Monday, July 2, and runs through Friday, August 10, with no program on July 4. There are both morning and afternoon sessions each day and children may attend both. No supervision is provided between 11:45 a.m. and 12:45 p.m. Parents must make arrangements for their children during this time.

For more information about the Town of Oyster Bay Summer Recreation Program, contact the Park Department Summer Recreation Office at (516) 797-4125.