
Free Yoga At Synagogue

The Community Synagogue is offering a free Jewish Yoga service on Sunday, March 13, and April 3, from 9:15 to 10:15 a.m. This service uses elements of traditional Jewish liturgy together with yoga exercises and intentions. The service is led by Rabbi Danny Burkeman of The Community Synagogue and yoga instructor Beth Lipset. All levels are welcome to join this fun and inspirational yoga service. Rabbi Burkeman said, “Recognizing the number of our members who take yoga classes, we wanted to find a way to offer them that experience in a Jewish context. The Jewish morning service focuses on the gift of our bodies and therefore offers a perfect link with the movement and physicality of yoga. Beth has put together a yoga routine that blends perfectly with our liturgy and provides our participants with a meaningful, spiritual and physical connection.”
The Community Synagogue is located at 160 Middle Neck Rd. For more information, go to www.commsyn.org.