
A Hance-Tastic Day

Some of the nearly 2,300 participants that took part in the three fundraising races the Hance Family Foundation recently hosted
Some of the nearly 2,300 participants that took part in the three fundraising races the Hance Family Foundation recently hosted

When the Hance Family Foundation (HFF) started the 5K Run Walk and Family Fun Day back in May of 2010, there was no way of knowing that more than $700,000 would be raised for its Beautiful Me program. HanceRace_060116BeautifulMe HFF’s main purpose is to honor the lives of Jackie and Warren Hance’s three daughters, who were killed in a horrific accident on July 26, 2009. The organization does this by ensuring healthy, happy and safe children through innovative educational programming. The foundation’s central project is Beautiful Me, a self-esteem program designed to educate girls by promoting appreciation for their genuine qualities, accurate self-awareness and the satisfaction of helping others.
This all-day affair has become one of the most highly anticipated dates on the Floral Park calendar. Despite threats of rain, the day’s festivities kicked off at 9 a.m. as nearly 2,300 participants ran in a trio of races—Emma’s Mile, the 5K Run/Walk and the Pee Wee Run. The family-friendly atmosphere was omnipresent thanks to myriad activities sprinkled throughout the post-race event known as the Family Fun Day that included rides, a petting zoo, face painting, music and a barbecue.