Port Washington resident and founder of both Foster, Inc. and FosterWomen Hayley Foster decided it was finally time to curate all of her insights and write the book she had always wanted to write, Foster Your Passion: A Guide To Finding Your Passion And The Tools You Need To Foster It. While Foster had always dreamed of writing a book, the idea and book itself came together in just less than three months with the published book hitting Amazon.com on May 23.
“When I started Foster, Inc. a few years ago I realized I was curating content and I could take all the insights I gained from self education and I realized that I wanted to branch out and share those insights outside of my network,” said Foster. “The best way to get them out there and get name recognition was to write a book.”
A few years ago, Foster met book-writing coach Alicia Dunams who runs a workshop that takes students through the process of turning an idea into a book. Foster decided she wanted to take one of Dunams’s Bestseller in a Weekend workshops, but couldn’t find a date that worked for her, so she set up her own meeting in February with seven local women to learn from Dunams. Foster’s dream started to become a reality in late March and finally had it edited, proofread and published on Amazon.com by the end of May.
“What [Dunams] does in her bestseller in a weekend program is make you list out your chapters and within each chapter what questions you want to answer,” explained Foster. “I really wanted to inspire people and help them find their passion. I realized I can add value to this book if I make it more motivational and do interviews.”
Foster reached out to women in her network, including local Port women who have found and are fostering their passions, and interviewed them to gain further insight as to how to nurture their passion.
“I just sat down at computer and started typing away,” said Foster. “I say that I feel like I threw up my book. And now [Dunams] was like you have to clean it up. That was the hardest part to go back and read through the whole book multiple times.”
The book focuses on the tools one needs to foster their passion and includes chapters on finding confidence, finding one word that best describes yourself, how to create a mission statement, how to have a plan and making sure to have an end game in mind.
“It’s really just about finding the confidence to take that fire that burns inside of you, the thing that keeps you up at night and turn it into something,” said Foster. “Just have the confidence to take that and foster it whether it becomes your business or side hustle, something that brings you joy and happiness. Eventually one day it might become a business for you.”
Foster will be at the Dolphin Bookshop and Cafe in Port Washington on June 7, at 6:30 p.m. to do a reading and signing. Call 516-767-2650 to register or preorder.
For more information about Foster and her book, visit www.fostering101.com. Books are available at www.amazon.com and at the Dolphin Bookshop. For more information about the event, visit www.thedolphinbookshop.com.