The annual meeting of the Eastern Property Owners’ Association (EPOA) will be held on Monday, June 7th at 7:30 PM at the Senior Center Join us to hear updates on a variety of village matters from your East Trustees as well as from EPOA Officers and Directors. This will be the final meeting of the 2020-2021 term.
At this meeting, election of EPOA Officers and Directors for the 2021-20 term will be held.
The Officer nominees are President, Jonathan Debrich, 90 Huntington Road, Vice President, June Michalak 38 Spruce St.; Corresponding Secretary, Paul Dircks, 62 Saint James Street South; Corporate Secretary, Colleen Ciullo, 109 Huntington Road; Treasurer, Spiro Dorizas, 29 East Drive.
Director nominees serving new three-year terms: Bruno Cerrone, 39 East Drive; Barbara Garry, 42 Locust St.; Steve Ilardi, 139 Meadow St. and Mike Nagler, 35 Wyatt Rd.
Director nominees serving new two-year terms: Eric Breusch, 5 Beech Street.
New director nominees serving one-year terms: Ralph Healey of 177 Willow St.; Mark Smith of 62 Huntington Rd. and Theodore W. Ucinski of 8 Huntington Rd.
All nominations were conducted in accordance with EPOA by-laws by the 2021 Director & Officer Nominating Committee.
The Garden City East Nominating Committee is a 15-member committee that selects candidates for the positions of Village and School Board Trustee. Any resident of the East may apply to be a committee member. They are elected for three-year terms by directors of the EPOA after review and in accordance with Article II of the Procedures for Nomination of Village and School District Officers.
Five of the six new members were elected for three years and one was elected for one year to fill the remaining term of a member who resigned. New member terms begin on June 7. They are:
Donald Byrne, 19 Kingsbury Road—3 years: Donald coaches youth soccer and baseball and is a mentor for Tuesdays’ Children. He is a GC volunteer firefighter.
Jonathan Cruickshanks, 14 Seabury Road—3 years: Jonathan has two children in the GC schools, plus a younger one, and serves as the GCAA Rookie League Coordinator.
Paul Dircks, 62 Saint James Street S—3 years: Paul has been an EPOA director since 2015 and is the EPOA corresponding secretary and head of membership.
Dave Hegarty, 130 Arthur Street—3 years: Dave has lived most of his life in GC and graduated from GCHS. His large extended family (27) also attend or have graduated from the GC schools and he is looking forward to contributing where needed.
Mark Smith, 62 Huntington Road—3 years: Mark and his wife have two children in the GC schools and he served on the GC School Reopening Committee alongside GC administrators.
Joe Moody, 166 Meadow Street—1 year: Joe is a lifelong GC resident, former EPOA president and an active member of the GC volunteer fire department for 24 years. His four children attend or have attended the GC schools.
Continuing current members of the East Committee are Christa Geldert, Tom Mastanduono, Howie Miller, Christine Mullaney, Mike Nagler, Joe Nadolny, Joe Owens, Karl Schmidt and Leo Stimmler.
Based on NYS COVID protocols, there will be a limit of 100 attendees. Face masks must be worn and there will be a sign in-sheet for contact tracing. We are planning to have the meeting available through Zoom. If interested in the Zoom link please email the EPOA at prior to 3pm on June 7th.
To learn more about the EPOA, how to become a member, upcoming events, and matters concerning the East, please visit us at our website (, on Facebook (@GardenCityEPOA), on Twitter (@GC_ EPOA), and on Venmo (@GCEPOA).