
District Six And The Town Board Meeting

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Items discussed and approved at North Hempstead’s town board meeting

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Screenshot from the recording of the April 28 North Hempstead town board meeting. (Photo taken from the North Hempstead town website)

On April 28, the Town of North Hempstead held a lengthy town board meeting. The meeting lasted close to four hours and discussed 68 different items. Items on the list for discussion involved improving and maintaining the town of Port Washington.
District six Councilwoman Mariann Dalimonte sends out newsletters with updates on the Town of North Hempstead and, more specifically, district six. In one of her most recent newsletters, Councilwoman Dalimonte detailed some of the approved or discussed items from the town board meeting. Sign up for the Councilwoman’s newsletter at northhempsteadny.gov.
The fourth item called for a public hearing to adopt ordinances concerning North Plandome Road in Port Washington. The ordinances suggested the establishment of a Stop for Pedestrians in Crosswalk northbound and southbound on North Plandome Road.
Multiple Port Washington residents came to the meeting to voice their approval of the crosswalks. President of the Beach Way Estates Association, Melissa Famiglietti spoke at the meeting on behalf of the residents living in the Beach Way Estates community.
“Our 90 families would greatly appreciate the safety that [the crosswalks] would bring to us accessing the waterfront,” said Famiglietti. “I believe it greatly encourages us to be green and not us drive our cars there when we live less than five minutes away.”
President of Port Washington Estates Association Gavin Pike worked closely with Councilwoman Dalimonte to work on getting the crosswalk plan considered by the board.
“I brought an old file which I discovered in our archives,” said Pike. “It is dated Dec. 17, 1962, and then we also wanted to get a crosswalk installed. Thanks to [Coincilwoman Dalimonte], this now looks like it will happen.”
“I spoke to a board member of the Port Washington Yacht Club, and they have 900 teens and pre-teens who would also benefit from being able to cross the road safely,” added Pike.
Councilwoman Dalimonte thanked Pike for working with her on this project since she took office in January 2020.
“This has been a long process,” said Dalimonte. “We’ve done a traffic study, and we’ve really made sure that this is the right thing to do.”
All board members voted in favor of the resolution and establishment of a crosswalk on North Plandome Road.
Another discussed and approved item Dalimonte worked on is the execution of a pilot shellfish restoration project in Manhasset Bay through Cornell Cooperative Extension (CCE) of Suffolk County.
“A significant priority for me as an elected official has been to promote the protection and preservation of our local environment,” said Dalimonte. “In 2020, I began exploring the possibilities of reintroducing oysters into Manhasset Bay.”
“Over the years, this critical habitat has become polluted,” said Damlimonte. “Nitrogen pollution, in particular, poses a great threat to our water quality, but studies have shown that oysters have an impressive role in restoring water quality due to their filter-feeding capacities.”
Dalimonte worked with CCE to partner with the Town of North Hempstead to create a pilot shellfish restoration project. The project will establish oyster beds to attach one million larvae to oyster shells in Manhasset Bay.
“Having and maintaining a thriving oyster population in one of North Hempstead’s most essential waterways will help reestablish marine habitats, improve quality of water, provide economic stimulus by attracting visitors to nearby downtowns and ultimately enhance a destination that is loved by residents across the greater North Hempstead community,” said Dalimonte.
The town board authorized the shellfish restoration project.
Local and national historic preservation was discussed and approved by the town board. A resolution was authorized to prepare and submit a grant application to the Preservation League of New York State for the restoration and maintenance of Monfort Cemetary in Port Washington.
Councilwoman Veronica Lurvey pointed out “that this cemetery has three signers of the 1775 declaration of independence and also Adrian Onderdonck, the first town supervisor of North Hempstead.”
Items of safety, environmental benefits, and historic preservation were all discussed and approved, along with many other items. The town board authorized Port Washington Water TaxiInc. and Meyran Marine Services Inc. for water taxi services and the installation and maintenance of Transient and Deep Draft Moorings in Manhasset bay.
The town board accepted a gift of Animodule or installation at Manorhaven Beach Park from the American Foundation for Suicide prevention. In Dalimonte’s newsletter, she explained that “the Animodule is a piece of art that comes out of a community art project which aims to bring happiness and joy into our lives and help us all towards better mental wellness.”
Community member Wendi Barbosa brought forth the artistic approach to increase awareness about mental health. To contribute to this art project, email pupsandpeepsloop@gmail.com.
Thanks to Councilwoman Dalimonte and the town board, many beneficial upgrades and changes will be made to Port Washington and the town of North Hempstead.