
Receiver Pravato Advises Late School Taxpayers Of Last Chance

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(Graphic credit VectorPortal.com)

To assist property owners who missed the May 10th deadline for paying their 2023-2024 School taxes, Town of Oyster Bay Receiver of Taxes Jeffrey Pravato reminds residents that they can still pay the bill by May 31st with a State mandated 2% late payment penalty while avoiding additional interest and fees from accruing on their property.

Late payers should immediately contact Receiver Pravato’s office at (516) 624-6400 if they did not receive a second notification with a delinquent tax bill.  Payments postmarked after May 31st cannot be accepted since the collection warrant will have expired. Those payments must be sent to the Nassau County Treasurer at 1 West Street, Mineola, NY 11501.

In September, the Nassau County Treasurer will be mailing notices to all property owners with taxes in arrears.  Receiver Pravato advises homeowners who fall under those circumstances to contact the Nassau County Treasurer at (516) 571-2090 to determine the amount due.  They may also visit the Treasurer’s office at 1 West Street, Mineola, NY 11501.

Receiver Pravato noted, “Taxpayers in the Town of Oyster Bay are already paying some of the highest property taxes in the nation, and I want to make sure that our residents do not pay more out of pocket than they have to.”

–Submitted by the Town of Oyster Bay