
Letter: Much Ado About Farmedge

Long Island is quickly becoming “Lost Island,” further fueled by the short-sighted thinking of Levittown residents who would rather maintain unused and outdated school buildings in the unrealistic hope that children will one day return. Isn’t a 20 year wait long enough?


The demographics on Long Island tell a sad, but true tale, about young adults and families fleeing the Island in record numbers resulting in the school age population shrinking by thousands.  This will not change in the near future, or perhaps, ever.


Those who spoke so vociferously against the proposition that these empty schools could be converted and repurposed for senior housing should remember their antagonism as they approach age 55, and leave as their legacy abandoned buildings in full decay, draining the tax rolls, spoiling the environment, and benefiting no one.  It could have been different if they had seen what could be, rather than hope for what will never be.


Senior citizens have high spending power to fuel the local economy, as well as a lifetime investment in supporting religious institutions, civic, community and social organizations, and great pride in maintaining their property.  The projected housing could have been a boom, but is now a bust.  What a shame and loss for everyone.


Marie Palagonia


30-year Levittown resident