Residents For A More Beautiful Port Washington is thrilled and humbled to announce for a second year in a row The Peter & Jeri Dejana Family Foundation will underwrite their annual gala.
“This investment in Port Washington’s quality of life will fuel beautification, education, environmental protection and vibrancy throughout the peninsula,” said Mindy Germain, executive director of Residents.
Lisa Grossman, director of development of Residents said, “Because of the foundation’s generosity, every dollar donated to this event through tickets, sponsorships, raffles and auction will go directly to fulfill our mission.”
The Peter & Jeri Dejana Family Foundation’s mission is to assist nonprofit organizations in their efforts to offer and expand programming and other services to their own memberships through monetary donations and event partnerships.
Residents invites the community to join the party and attend its annual Gala on Friday, April 8. Tickets, journal ads and sponsorship packages can be purchased at or contacting Lisa Grossman at or 516-767-9151.